A Message from the President of AAUW

2024-2025 Membership Form

Heather Abushanab

Welcome to a new program year for AAUW Redlands branch.

On October 24th we will also bring back the AAUW Bridge Scramble, a fun fundraiser which was much appreciated last spring. Sharpen up your bridge skills and invite your friends to participate.

In November, don’t forget to vote. Women have not always had the ability to vote in our nation and we should not take that right for granted. This election is an important one, both locally and nationally. No matter which candidate you support, it is critical that you record your opinion with a vote this fall. Our public policy group is hosting local candidate forums for Redlands City Council and School Board to help you make an informed choice this fall.

November will also feature the Holiday Boutique. Members of the Sew What! group, other crafters, bakers, and the NYM Scholarship committee have been hard at work to bring you this beloved event. This year, be sure to invite your friends to attend the branch meeting so they don’t miss out on the boutique! And invite them again to our holiday branch meeting in December where we will have musical entertainment and a festive time.

Looking ahead to the winter and spring, AAUW Redlands will once again host two STEM conferences for 8th grade girls, Speech Trek for high school students, awards of the NYM scholarships, and our incredible FilmFest event. And of course there are many interest groups that will meet each month. There is no shortage of ways to get involved in AAUW! Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard over the summer to get us ready for these exciting activities!

Heather Abushanab, President
AAUW Redlands Branch

Learn More About AAUW

If you are interested in joining AAUW, or have questions, please contact us at Membership@AAUWRedlands.org.

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