FilmFest Sponsorship

Films by Women, for Everyone

Join us on April 25, 2025 for FilmFest! Enjoy an evening of film, food, and fellowship that showcases women filmmakers at Esri Cafe and Auditorium in Redlands.

Download a printable sponsorship packet here.

Sponsoring FilmFest will put your information in front of over 300 attendees! Our emcee showcases each sponsor’s slide, video, or logo according to their sponsorship level and speaks about their business offerings.

To sign up for 2025 sponsorships, please email

2025 Sponsorship Opportunities

The Oscar – $1500

  • Logo on promotional material
    Deadline for inclusion: February 15, 2025
  • Logo on ticket sale website
  • Sponsor-branded promotional item for each attendee can be provided by sponsor*
  • Two individual slides or 15 sec video during pre-show*
  • Inclusion of two individual slides or 15 sec video during reception on looping video
  • Opportunity to provide promotional items for all attendees
  • Six complimentary tickets to FilmFest

The Golden Globe – $1000

  • Logo on ticket sale site
  • Individual slide and live introduction during pre-show*
  • Inclusion of single slide for reception on looping video
  • Four complimentary tickets to FilmFest

The Emmy – $500

  • Individual slide and live introduction during pre-show*
  • Inclusion of single slide for reception on looping video
  • Two complimentary tickets to FilmFest

The People’s Choice – $300

  • Logo on group slide during event pre-show*
  • Inclusion on group slide for reception on looping video
  • One complimentary ticket to FilmFest

*Sponsor-provided item, logo, slide, and/or video will be previewed by AAUW to ensure they are appropriate for the FilmFest audience.

Event Information:

Tickets are $50 per person. Tickets are included with sponsorship and more can be purchased at an AAUW Branch meeting or online at Eventbrite for a small service fee. Buy tickets online on Eventbrite.

Reception and Opportunity Baskets
The evening begins in the Esri Café with a reception featuring a variety of hot or cold hors d’oeuvres and desserts catered by the Esri Café staff. Drinks include wine, beer and flavored waters. Attendees can purchase tickets for opportunity baskets. Sponsors slide, video or logo will also be shown in a looped slide show during the reception.  

Contact if you would like to provide an opportunity basket for the event.

Film Screening and Sponsor Showcase
The film screening is held in the beautiful Esri Auditorium where sponsor slides are shown as guests find their seats. Our emcee shows each sponsor’s slide, video, or logo according to their sponsorship level and speaks about their business offerings. The films are shown, then the event ends with the basket drawings and additional acknowledgment of our sponsors. Promotional items from our Oscar-level sponsors are distributed to all attendees as they leave the auditorium.

The 2025 Films
The short films, appropriate for audiences over the age of 13, include a mix of drama, comedy, documentary, and animation. Total viewing time is ~1.5 hours. We are confident our audience will be pleased with this year’s film selections.

The Esri Auditorium can hold up to 340 guests. Most of the attendees are women, though men are welcome and do enjoy the event. We anticipate selling out the event again this year.

FilmFest Fundraising

Film Fest AAUW Redlands proceeds benefit women and girls of the Inland Empire through the AAUW Redlands Branch Mission Fund.

Proceeds are used for our Speech Trek competition, high school scholarships, National Conference for College Women Student Leaders scholarships, Nancy Yowell Memorial Scholarships for women returning to college after an interruption, voting registration activities, and outreach to local colleges and universities.

AAUW Redlands is run by volunteers, therefore 100% of the FilmFest proceeds goes into the Mission Fund.


Oscar Sponsors

Emmy Sponsors

People’s Choice Sponsors